Which problems should I call my obstetrician about between regular prenatal visits?
Pregnancy is a time when your body goes through many changes. As every week passes, your baby is growing and you may have a lot of queries about the changes in your body. A lot of these changes may be normal. But there are some things we want you to be aware of and call your doctor so that you and your baby are safe and healthy.
Some of the problems which arise during pregnancy may be related to infections like urinary tract infection, vaginal infection or certain types of flu. High blood pressure and high blood sugar can also cause problems in pregnancy. Many of these can also arise in people who were healthy previously.
Here we have listed some symptoms for which you should contact your doctor immediately
– Vaginal bleeding
Bleeding from vagina should be taken seriously. Light spotting is normal at around 6 to 12 days after conception, when the embryo is implanting on the uterus. Some spotting can also occur with safe sex and infections in the birth canal.
– Decreased baby movements – You will feel your baby’s movements between 16 to 25 weeks of pregnancy. Movements will become more regular after 28 weeks. The perception of the fetal movements are very important. If the perceived fetal movements decrease, you should contact the hospital.
– Blurry or impaired vision – This could be due to a condition called preeclampsia which is due to increased blood pressure
– Excessive vomiting or Diarrhoea
– Increase in vaginal discharge or change in type of discharge- for eg : any foul smelling discharge from the vagina
– Pain or burning sensation during urination – Increase in frequency of urination is common in pregnancy. But you should not have any pain or burning during urination which could be a sign of urinary tract infection.
– Unusual or severe abdominal pain
– Leaking of fluid from vagina
– A sudden increase in swelling of face, fingers and feet
– Fever
– Fainting, frequent dizziness or rapid heart beat
– Severe headache
– Any trauma to the abdomen – A fall or an accident
The above information does not take the place of a medical consultation and is intended for informational purposes only.